Or send check made out to Addy's Hope Adoption Agency directly to (PLEASE include "EMILY'S ROOM" in the memo):
Jeremy and Kamina Johnson
5925 Lakeview Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526
Questions about Emily's Room? Email Kami at bluecowgirl@yahoo.com.
Here is a picture of Kami and Emily at "A night for orphans in Africa"
Wow, I was just updating my blog, and noticed that it had been automatically updated to include the new logo. I love it! I will be ordering a bag and t-shirts when they are ready to go. Will you put the ordering info. on this blog??
It should be very soon!
Kami, HOw do I put the logo on my site? And please count us for T-shirts and bags. I will keep chckeing back : )
Sorry Kami, I found the HTML code : ) DUH!
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